Package-level declarations
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object PlaceholderDefaults
Contains default values used by Modifier.placeholder and PlaceholderHighlight.
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A class which provides a brush to paint placeholder based on progress.
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fun PlaceholderHighlight.Companion.fade(highlightColor: Color, animationSpec: InfiniteRepeatableSpec<Float> = PlaceholderDefaults.fadeAnimationSpec): PlaceholderHighlight
Creates a Fade brush with the given initial and target colors.
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fun Modifier.placeholder(visible: Boolean, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape, highlight: PlaceholderHighlight? = null, placeholderFadeTransitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<Boolean>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Float> = { spring() }, contentFadeTransitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<Boolean>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Float> = { spring() }): Modifier
Draws some skeleton UI which is typically used whilst content is 'loading'.
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fun PlaceholderHighlight.Companion.shimmer(highlightColor: Color, animationSpec: InfiniteRepeatableSpec<Float> = PlaceholderDefaults.shimmerAnimationSpec, progressForMaxAlpha: Float = 0.6f): PlaceholderHighlight
Creates a PlaceholderHighlight which 'shimmers', using the given highlightColor.